Shipping & Handling

Shipping / Returns

The prices stated on the product pages include VAT and other price components.
DHL is our reliable partner in Germany to bring packages from our bakery to you.

Please note: Returns in the event of non-delivery (for example: for refused acceptance, if the recipient can not be identified, or if the package was not picked up ........ or for whatever reason) are always charged. The expense for the return fee for undeliverable goods is € 6.00 per parcel within Germany and € 16.00 for foreign parcels. In the case of a replacement shipment (only after consultation with the purchaser,) the respective shipping costs will be due again.


Tracking your cookie package with DHL is easy:
Just go to the DHL site and enter your shipment number and (in the 2nd step) your postal code. And voilà: there is the current status of your package. Pack Stations are a very convenient alternative for people who are not at home during the day. It’s even possible to be informed of the arrival of your cookie order by text message.